Reimagining identity annually
2023 Adelaide Film Festival

The Adelaide Film Festival (AFF) is a beacon of bold and innovative screen arts, inviting filmmakers and audiences to explore fresh ideas and captivating narratives and enjoy a bit of revelry. The festival's brand mark is at the core of its visual identity, inspired by the iconic camera viewfinder framing marks. We reimagine this symbol yearly, ensuring its branding identity stays as dynamic and engaging as the celebrated films.

The 2023 branding features extruded framing marks with sides and depth, creating optical art patterns with a warm, nostalgic colour palette. These graphic assets are used across brand touchpoints such as social media, animation, experiential, print, out-of-home, and other AFF initiatives. The design combines functionality with a captivating visual narrative to engage and excite the audience.

This innovative approach, alongside AFF’s dedication to inclusivity and creative storytelling, has significantly contributed to a steady increase in attendance since 2019.

Design Direction, Brand Strategy, Art Direction, Typography, Animation, Graphic Design and Production.


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